
Guide to Mastermind Groups (Part 2) – More Benefits

mastermind groupAs a follow up to my last blog, I believe that there are even more benefits to participating in a Mastermind group which is why I am continuing the list today. Without further ado, let’s take a look!

Feedback – In life, there are common issues that are bound to arise whether it is with running a business, changing careers, or simply trying to make ends meet. Regardless, having people who may have been through these problems can be invaluable. In the group, there is always the same goal to grow personally and professionally and become more successful so you will be guaranteed help in some way or another.

Accountability – When you brave the world alone, there is very little accountability for actions. However, a mastermind group will look to change this by setting objectives at the end of every meeting. If the targets are not hit, you will be held accountable which should improve your discipline as well as keeping you motivated.

Improve Confidence – With the help of other members, you will start to make huge decisions in your life and for your business, which will allow you an improved confidence. Once you have more confidence, this will show to everyone in the same room and will soon spread to those that you can influence.

Expand Skills – When you attend meetings for your group, you will be meeting with all different types of people who all have different skills and perspectives to offer. With any luck, each member will specialize in something different, which will allow you to interact and expand your very own skill set. When you attend your very first meeting, you will see that there is a very special atmosphere to be experienced. In some ways, it is like being back in school again because you have peers who are pushing you to become even stronger. As you continue to challenge each other and raise the bar, you will soon see an improvement in your performance.

Help Others – So far, many of the benefits have been focused on what you will see in return of your investment but there is also a flip side to this since there are many other members. When you contribute an idea that gets taken forward and helps someone to increase his or her happiness in life, it can be a great feeling. When you help others, you also know that you will see the return of this at some point in the future.

Summary – As you can see, there are some amazing benefits that you will get from joining a mastermind group. Besides gaining business ideas, having many voices of reason, improving your confidence, having accountability, and expanding your skill set, you will have an opportunity to spend time with influential people and this will have a profound influence on both your personal life and your business. Amongst other things, you will make small changes, which can be a great way!

Interested in joining a Three-Month Mastermind group that I will be facilitating starting in June? In this group, you’ll learn how to be more strategic by setting SMART goals, brainstorming together, and you’ll receive a private coaching session from me each month. You’ll get three hours of strategy monthly, checklists, resources, networking, and more. Sign up by April 30th for an instant $100 discount. Want more information? Visit our 2017 Mastermind Group page, or call me at 202.518.5811. I invite you to share this with your like-minded colleagues.

Here’s to your success!!

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Communicate with More Authority without Becoming an Authoritarian

Just last week, one of my clients asked his employee to revise a proposal that will be sent to a client. Annoyed, the guy said “What for? I thought I was the lead on this account.”

Does this conversation sound familiar?

Assert Your Authority

Most leaders believe in the power of brainstorming and teamwork, but the problem is, some employees tend to mistake their open-mindedness for weakness. Just because you’re polite and open to suggestions, doesn’t mean that everything you say may be questioned!

As a leader, you must hone your business communication skills so people working with you will know how to differentiate between a directive and a request.

Does it mean making every deadline non-negotiable? Should you stop taking suggestions from your team?


Here’s a Better Idea: Change the Way You Communicate

Be careful with your choice of words and tone of voice. Consider the following:


“It would be great if you could submit your work by lunch tomorrow.” 


“I’ll expect your work tomorrow on or before lunch.”

Work requests:

“Please edit your report for Client A, make it more compelling.”


“Your report for Client A isn’t convincing enough, can you please revise it?”

Both statements mean practically the same thing, but the second statements can be interpreted as a suggestion, while the first one is a clear order.

As for your tone of voice, make sure that your voice is loud and clear when you’re talking. This isn’t the time to be shy, so just man up, and look them in the eye when you’re talking.

What if my support staff is stubborn?

Use this simple rebuttal formula. Let’s go back to the second example:

You: “Please edit your report for Client A, make it more compelling.”

Employee A: “Why? It took me 3 days to complete that report, Employee B says it’s great.”

This is a typical excuse. Employee complains, saying that it already took forever to complete the work then segues to add the opinion of someone else to back up his claim.

You: I understand that it takes a lot of time to create a report1, but it needs to be revised2 because it doesn’t have substantial proof to back up the results you’re claiming3

Let’s dissect this simple formula:

1.      Empathize – Show that you understand how they feel by repeating what they said.

2.      Reiterate your request – “it needs to be revised”

3.      Give a specific reason – the reason should be specific, objective, and reasonable. Don’t just say “because I want you to revise it.”

Using imperatives doesn’t equate to rudeness though, so make sure you add “please” or “kindly” when possible. The same applies when you’re using the rebuttal formula above. If anyone in your staff continues to argue after you’ve provided a reasonable objection, then it’s time to remind him of your position. This is your last resort; don’t use this argument often because doing so will appear as if you’re abusing your power.

Your business communication skills will affect your relationship with your team and image as a leader. Does your voice have a certain air of authority? Do you sound like you know what you’re doing? If you do, then you’ll have no problems getting people to do what you asked.

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